Thursday, June 17, 2010

New, simple NTI appliance for teeth clenching, eliminates headaches, sore teeth and stiff necks!

Do you suffer from a painful, aching jaw? Sore, sensitive teeth? Stiff neck? Tension headaches, or morning headaches? You may be unknowingly clenching your teeth while you sleep at night!

What does clenching my teeth have to do with these problems?
The high intensity contractions of your jaw muscles becomes painful and the forces generated cause pain to the surrounding tissues, joints, and other muscles. By reducing the intensity of the clenching, you're effectively minimizing the source of the pain- in many cases, in just a few days.

Has this treatment been tested?
The NTI device has been used successfully with thousands of patients. It has received marketing allowance from the FDA and complies with all requirements as an approved dental device.

What can Dr. Kaz do to help?
In one office visit Dr. Kaz can create a custom made NTI oral appliance for you!
The tiny, clear-plastic device fits over your front teeth at night and makes clenching virtually impossible. In a few days or weeks, your clenching reflex is suppressed. Morning headache pain, neck pain, sore jaws and other related pain associated with involuntary intense clenching usually begins to resolve and disappear.

Is there a difference between the NTI and the traditional dental nightguard device or TMJ splint?
Yes. Traditional flat-plane stints and other night guard devices provide a surface for you to "bite down on". New studies show, however, that these devices can actually increase the intensity of your clenching reflex. The NTI suppresses the clenching reflex by preventing the posterior teeth from contacting each other. There is no surface to bite down or bite into. The temporalis muscles are kept from contracting with their usual intensity.

Call us today to set up your appointment with Dr. Kaz, and eliminate morning headaches today! ~  248-433-6000 ~

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