Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Protect Your Teeth, and Your Health!

Gum disease has reached epidemic proportions in America
 – affecting nearly 75% of our population.1 What’s more,
science has linked it to increased risk of a number
of very serious problems, including cardiovascular disease,
diabetes, respiratory conditions, osteoporosis, even
preterm, low birth weight babies.2
It’s a serious problem – and I wish I could offer you a
vaccine so you could protect yourself and your family
the way people have protected themselves against H1N1.
But unfortunately no vaccine exists.
So I’d like to do the next best thing – namely arm you
with the facts you need to protect yourself.
Stealth Attack
The first thing you need to know is that gum disease – what
we dentists call periodontal disease – strikes without warning.
In fact in its early and even moderate stages it usually has NO
SYMPTOMS at all. So while the infection grows and
starts causing irreversible permanent damage to the bones
of your jaw, you can feel just fine.
Even after periodontal disease has damaged the underlying
bones that hold your teeth in place, you may still
be symptom free. Or you may notice small changes – things
like some redness of your gums, a little swelling, maybe a
bit of blood on your toothbrush -- that are easy to disregard.
But disregarding those problems could mean bigger problems
down the road.
A False Sense of Security
The second thing you need to know is that there are a lot of
myths surrounding gum disease.
For example many people think having their gums bleed
when they brush their teeth is normal – or at least nothing
to worry about.
Bleeding is a clear sign that your gums are INFECTED and you
need to do something about it fast. I mean, how would
you feel if your feet bled every time you showered? You’d
be very concerned – and rightly so.
Folks also make the mistake of thinking that if they’re
cavity-free their teeth are in great shape—another dangerous
It’s periodontal disease that’s the number one cause of
tooth loss.  In fact, according to an American Dental
Association/Colgate survey quoted on the American
Academy of Periodontology web site, dentists in this
country say gum disease is a more pressing oral health
concern than tooth decay by a 2-1 margin.3
But how about people who ALWAYS do a really
thorough job flossing and brushing? Shouldn’t they be able
to assume they’re safe from periodontal disease?
Unfortunately, the answer is “no.”  Up to 30% of people are
genetically susceptible to gum disease – betrayed by their
genes and at risk in a way they never expected. In fact
these folks -- no matter how careful they are to always
practice good oral hygiene – are up to six times more likely
to develop periodontal disease.
Help From Experts
So what can you do to protect yourself? Get help from the experts --
namely my staff and me. We’re trained to recognize signs of gum
disease LONG before symptoms develop. And we know how to
treat periodontal problems fast – so the don’t develop into a situation
that threatens your teeth and your health.
Just give us a call at 248-433-6000 and, together, we’ll fight the epidemic and WIN.
Stay Healthy,Dr. Kaz
1.     Healthy Gums and a Healthy Heart: The Perio-Cardio Connection,,
2.     Fallacies About Gum Disease,,
3.     Ibid.

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